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Phone: (801) 627-1221

3550 Harrison Blvd STE 1, Ogden, UT 84403

Welcome to


Your Family First

Words From Our Patients

Fun and Friendly Kids Dental Services

Our comprehensive range of children’s dental services ensures bright smiles and happy visits every time.

Preventive Care and Routine Exams

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure…

Sedation Dentistry

Helping out little ones be more comfortable while they get the care they need.

Extractions and Space Maintainers

Preventing abnormal alignment and bone loss.

Sealants and Cavity Prevention

Protecting teeth from future decay and much more.

Your Childs First Visit

What to know and how you can prepare.

Pediatric Dental Emergencies

Expedited treatment when you need it.

Restorations and Fixing Cavities

Restoring the teeth and properly saving the teeth.

Lip and Tongue Tie Treatment

Safely treating this common issue with care and expertise.

Custom Mouth Guards for Kids

Protecting teeth from trauma due to sports impacts and more.

About Us

Your Childs First Visit

Financing Options